About Mutsi

Andrea MAronyan

Hi, I am the owner of “Mutsi Cakes”. In Bulgaria, when something is “chef’s kiss worthy”, you say it’s “Mutsi”.

I am originally born in California, but have gone back and forth to Bulgaria because of family. From a very young age I got into pastry, eventually going to pastry school in France, FERRANDI - Paris. Then from there taking cake orders here and there, eventually opening my own bakery in Sofia, Bulgaria called “Andy’s Cookies”. It was a lovely little chapter, however an even more lovely reason brought me back to California, it was love itself.

After taking some time off from pastry, I decided to get back into it because it brings others and myself so much pleasure and joy.

Everything I prepare is made with high quality ingredients and lots of love. Since dessert is more of a luxury than a necessity, I believe you should have the best version of it that you can get and in turn, not feel the guilt that you usually get with consuming indulgent foods. Rather, savor and satisfy with a well-prepared treat that you won’t feel the need to over-consume.

There is nothing I would serve a client that I wouldn’t serve to my family nor myself.